Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

RickMedlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Greg T. Walker Vocals

Jakson Spires Vocals

Rick Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (muted]

Greg T. Walker Bass
Acoustic Bass

Jakson Spires Drums
Oh yeah Oh-o-o-o-o well I got up early this morning and had a song in my mind and I would-\'ve had it fin-ished but I didn\'t have the ti-me too ma-ny peo-ple keep a knockin on my back door yes and al-ways ask-ing m-e can I have a lit-tle mo-re ah you know what I gotta say about that Oh keep a run-nin ba-by All my dreams of sor-row some-times are hard to b-e-a-r but when I think a-bout to-mor-row woe why should I c-a-a-r-e werll I\'ve al-ways had this year-r-nin\' to get this deep down in-si-de but ev-ery-bo-dy\'s mon-ey hon-ey tryin\' to take a free ri-de and I feel like I\'m like I\'m fly-in\' hi-g-h and I feel like my soul lord its on fi-re and it seems like that day just ain\'t ev-er gon-na c-o-m-e oh oh oh oh Well I live to see the dawn and I live to seek the so-u-n-d and tra-vlin on the r-o-a-d has left it\'s bat-tle s-c-a-r-s well I feel my world is mov-in\' lord it\'s just a-round the bend my song was born on the high w-a-a-y and that\'s where it\'s gon-na end and I feel like I\'m like I\'m fly-in\' h-i-g-h and I feel like my soul lord its on f-i-i-r-e and it seems like that day just ain\'t ever gon-na c-o-o-m-e oh oh oh oh